Tuesday, September 9, 2008

meniran-sambiloto retard hiv/aids?

meniran-sambiloto retard hiv/aids?

plants sambiloto and meniran has merit increases body invulnerability towards disease attack, belong hiv/aids. this conclusion is people say is based watchfulness that done experts beyond the sea.
up to in this time there is no watchfulness that prove a formula can to cure aids and be the sufferer soul saviour. but, amount of expert success find at least there plant kind that can to work to retard virus change hiv be aids, although not yet can kill it, that is meniran and sambiloto.
clinic chairman vct hospital prof dr margono sukarjo (rsms) banyumas dr akhmad wiryawan say, follow watchfulness that done foreign expert, plants sambiloto and meniran has merit to increase body invulnerability in face of various disease attack belongs hiv/ aids.
besides, second plants has ability prevents virus hiv be adult, step into body cell and multiply. “kegunaan that's that must it be seen society especially pengidap hiv/aids, as factory product conventional medicine alternative solution.
that plants second population also very many in indonesia, even the existence during the time only looked at half eye as intruder plant, ” papar akhmad wiryawan to kr at the work space recently.
explained, pengidap hiv/ aids majority use conventional medicine, that is antiretroviral (arv). but this medicine has side effects for the user, that is influence digestion, allergy skin, ganggunya body organ function, with can not be mixed with just any medicine.
“sebagai factory product medicine and has synthetic chemistry pregnancy tall, automatic arv has side effects, so that user doesn't felt pleasant. besides expensive the price and often kendala paso because still to imported.
differ from meniran and sambiloto natural and cheap. besides the merit same, its use doesn't evoke side effects, ” said akhmad.
added, processing process meniran and sambiloto up to ready mengonsumsi as hindrance medicine hiv/aids enough easy and can be done everybody. among others with cook that plant and imbibe water boiled it, or make it to be juice.
“proses really easy, but so that maximal the result, therapy must be done regularly every day so minimal. if done regularly, within three the result months is seen with move up body invulnerability, and that proved, ” explicitly akhmad.

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