Saturday, August 9, 2008

several tips well-being

several tips well-being

next be explained several tips simple well-being:
if you inclined often nosebleeding (out blood from nose), so best you must more amount of consuming vitamin c and food that contain zinc (like heart, red rice, popcor, etc)
to unburden cough or cold usually, drink half warm water glass that mixed with one lime teaspoon and honey as much as 3 times a day.
keram (foot) in bighttime can be prevented with consuming food many contain calcium (brocolli or green leaf). keram often mengasosiasikan with calcium undercommunication in body.
make soup self tall calcium to prevent oestoporosis. its way when cook meat and bone, will add a little vinegar to will dissolve calcium in bone that be cooked, sehinga soup sauce many will contain calcium from bone.

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